Tuesday, April 12, 2011

USC Dornsife College Advising Office: PRE-GRAD Workshop

USC Dornsife College Advising Office: PRE-GRAD Workshop

Planning on applying to graduate school (not law or medical school)? Come attend our Pre-Grad workshop where you'll learn about how you can craft the best candidacy for your target programs/schools. We will be covering the application process and its components, the application timeline, planning for the fall, and answering all of your questions.

Wednesday, April 13th
2:00 to 4:00 PM
THH 210

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jewish American Studies Minor - Fall Course Offerings!

Judaic Studies is offering 4 courses in the Fall that fulfill the Jewish American Studies (JAS) minor, including one of the core classes: JS 300.

Click on each course title for the course flyer for distribution to your students!

JS 330 Jewish Power, Powerlessness and Politics taught  by Dr. Steven Windmueller

JS 382 Judaism as an American Religion taught by Dr. Bruce Phillips

JS 499 Sexuality and Judaism taught by Dr. Joel Kushner

CAA General Meeting Minutes: March 25, 2011

Council of Academic Advisors
General Meeting Notes
03/25/11 – THH 212

New Interdiscinplinary Coure: MDA 475 - The Future of California

Want to do something for the future of California?

Can California fix itself?  Devote four units this Fall 2011 semester helping to figure out how the Golden State can regain its luster.

Multidisciplinary Activities (MDA) 475 is a new class, intended as a capstone experience for students across the USC campus.  Students spend the fall semester learning about the state’s policy, cultural and structural challenges, and begin the process of identifying solutions and options for structural reform.  In addition to the class instructor, students have the opportunity to hear from faculty in a range of different schools at USC and meet with policy experts in the public and private sectors, who will offer their insights as to possible solutions for the challenges confronting the state.

Students will also convene a half-day “Fixing California” conference, in which academic, political, and government experts will participate in a series of policy discussions. Students will participate in the planning of these events and join in panel discussions, offering their own ideas and insights as part of the program.   

Course:         MDA 475, The Future of California
Time:            Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:30 PM
Instructor:     Dan Schnur, Director
              Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics

To register, look for MDA in the department list on the Webreg system.  For more information visit:

Pre-Health Week! April 11th-15th

The Office of Pre-Health Advisement Presents Pre-Health Week! April 11th-15th. Please let your students know about Pre-Health Week by distributing the attached flyer.

KCLC Spring 2011 Newsletter

The USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity has just released their Spring newsletter.  Click here to check it out!