Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2011 USC Cambridge Summer Programme

The USC Cambridge Programme is geared toward students who have demonstrated academic excellence and a continuous love of learning.  This program is named in honor of Dean Joan Metcalf Schaefer, Dean of Women Emerita, of the University of Southern California.

The International Summer School in Cambridge, England, offers students an excellent opportunity to study British literature, history, economics, poetry, arts and government, and to examine the background of modern Britain and its rich and diverse cultural heritage.  Students live in traditional Cambridge Colleges and have the opportunity to visit some of England's major historic sites.
Dates:  July 11 - August 5, 2011
Eligibility:  Applicants must have maintained a minimum 3.0 cumulative USC GPA.
Applications:  Applications will be available in December 2010.  The deadline to apply and for submission of all documents is Friday, January 21, 2011 at 4pm.  Completed applications should be turned in to Kimberly Maes in CAS 200.

Students may earn 4 elective credits by taking two courses and completing a comprehensive essay in each course.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Course Flyer: Art History 430 - Studies in Renaissance Art


AHIS 430: Studies in Renaissance Art (12000D)
Instructor: Sheryl Reiss Monday 2:00 – 4:50 • VKC 260 Spring 2011

Between the early fifteenth and the later sixteenth centuries, the Medici family of Florence rose from the ranks of the city's merchant bankers to become virtual rulers of the republic, cardinals and popes in Rome, and, eventually, hereditary dukes and grand dukes of Tuscany. Much of the family's power and fame derived from two kinds of patronage: the social and political patronage that first established their faction and then enabled them to maintain control; and the artistic and cultural patronage that was central both to the fashioning of the family's image and to the realization of its princely ambitions. This course will explore the connections between the two types of patronage employed so effectively by the Medici. To do so, we will focus on works of art and architecture, on primary source materials, and on recent scholarship concerned with the Medici in particular and, more broadly, with patronage in Renaissance Italy.

Summer Archaeological Excavation for Students at Ostia Antica, the Port of Ancient Rome

Summer Archaeological Excavation for Students at Ostia Antica, the Port of Ancient Rome,
(4 Units of Credit -- June 20 to July 31, 2011)

Dear All:

AHIS 325 Summer Excavation Course in Italy (June 20 to July 31, 2011) has just been approved for this coming summer.  I have attached a flyer announcing the 4 unit course. Please post and/or pass this on to undergraduate students in any field in your classes and to undergraduate advisers. Here is a brief write-up from USC's Chronicle about last year's excavation at Ostia Antica: http://college.usc.edu/news/stories/791/summer-excavation-class-at-ostia-antica-the-port-of-ancient-rome/

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Articulation petition actions being sent to Advisement Database

To:                               CAA
From:                          Articulation Office
Subject:                       Articulation petition actions being sent to Advisement Database

We are pleased to report that, as suggested by several advisors, emails sent to students regarding actions taken on their articulation petitions are now being sent automatically to the advisement database.  This is only done for petitions filed using the online articulation process on OASIS;  almost all students can and should use the online process rather than paper petitions.*

Students receive emails regarding their petitions with the following actions:
--Partly granted (e.g., they asked for equivalence and GE but only got GE)
--Hold for more information (e.g., the student is asked to provide papers, syllabus, etc)
--On hold pending departmental review (we have sent the petition to the relevant department)
--No action (this includes:  petitions we cannot grant, such as requests for GE IV or VI or equivalence to upper division courses;  situations where we cannot grant GE to a science lecture course but we advise the student to apply to take a lab at USC to accompany the lecture course;  student requests credit he or she already has).

The email that is sent to the student and the advisement database includes in the subject line: 
Petition number, course ID, action, student ID.  E.g.:
Artic petn # 3746 ENG 307U:  Hold for more info 1234567890

You can open the email in the advisement database to see the further message provided to the student (e.g., details on what additional information we have requested from the student).

Emails have been sent regarding petitions acted on since November 11.
Please let us know if this information is helpful, or if you have any questions or suggestions.
Thank you very much.

*The paper petition is still available but there is usually no reason to use it.  Even students who only have papers or other documents in hardcopy should use the online process and hand in their documents separately.  The only students who must file a paper petition are those whose transfer courses were taken at international schools (paper petition should be sent to International Admissions), or former students who do not have access to OASIS (see the articulation office home page for more specifics). 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boren Awards for International Study - USC Deadline is Decemeber 17

Announcement from Academic Recognition Programs:

I would like to inform you of a great opportunity for your students interested in learning a new language while studying abroad. The Boren Awards for international study offer Scholarships for undergraduate students and Fellowships for graduate students. Both the Boren scholarship and fellowship focus on countries, languages, and fields of study that are crucial to U.S. national security and are underrepresented in study abroad. Countries within Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East are funded through the Boren Awards. Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and the countries of Western Europe are not included.

The USC deadline to apply for the Boren Scholarship is Friday, December 17, 2010. The instruction sheet is available at http://www.usc.edu/student-affairs/arp//Instructions/Boren_Instructions_2010.pdf

The Boren Fellowship does not have a campus deadline. However our office can assist students with the application. The national deadline is February 1, 2011.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

SPANISH! Flyers for SPAN280 and SPAN316 for Spring 2011.

Here are two flyers from the Spanish department for posting/distribution.

Spanish for Social and Political Sciences
Span 316, Class # 62224, T & Th11:00 – 12:20 THH 203

Conversational Spanish
Span 280, Class# 62151D, 2 units, Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:50

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

EASC 2011-2012 FLAS Undergraduate Fellowship Program

USC undergraduate students are invited to apply for the 2011-2012 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship. FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education through its Title VI/NRC grant to the East Asian Studies Center. Please find the application attached to this email. For questions regarding the FLAS fellowships, please contact EASC at easc@usc.edu, (213) 740-2991, or stop by our office in CLH 101.

About FLAS Awards

The purpose of the program is to enrich the nation’s pool of area and international specialists. Applicants should be planning to use their training to teach, to serve in government or international agencies, or to engage in other work that advances American understanding of other countries.

Award Benefits

Fellowships provide awardees with $10,000 toward tuition and a $5,000 stipend.

A student is eligible for the fellowship if he or she:
● is a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.;
● is enrolled full-time at USC;

● is at an intermediate or advanced level of language study (2nd year and above) in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, or Korean

Additional Information

● FLAS fellows must enroll in one East Asian language course during both fall and spring semesters and must take at least two area studies courses related to East Asia during the award period. All language and area studies classes must be taken for a letter grade.

● Awardees are required to complete an on-line performance report and have an instructor fill out an online assessment at the beginning and end of the award period.

Application deadline: Friday, February 4, 2011

Application: http://college.usc.edu/east_asian_studies/private/docs/AY2011-2012EASCFLASUndergraduateApplication.pdf